> Lucid Graphic Design: Weight Loss To Do #2

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Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Weight Loss To Do #2

Actually start exercising. That would help wouldn't it!! Currently my workout room is a diaster area because that is the place all of our "we don't know what to do with it" stuff goes to die. In our defense we moved the end of September and still have boxes from moving and that's mostly what it is. If you move with an infant, prepare for it to take you a very long time to get settled! So, back to my to do #2, I will organize and clean that room this weekend! I have some great workout pieces so no need for a gym. I have an elliptical, weight bench, plenty of weights, exercise ball, yoga matt, pilates tapes & tabeo tapes. I have taken several classes so I know the exercises that work. I gave up my gym membership about 1.5 years ago because I was so sick of how packed it always was. I could never get a machine or weights, so I bought equipment for home instead. I worked out a lot more when I went to the gym. lol. I think I need to take a picture of myself now and blow it up and hang it in the workout room. Then I need to blow a picture up of my honeymoon, I would love to be back to that body. I busted my ass a year before my wedding to really get in good shape...I wore that bikini in Mexico and I wore it proudly! :)

This morning I did DVR Denise Austin's Daily Workout so that I could start doing that tonight. If you are looking for an awesome quick workout, check this show out. It's awesome, I can not say enough good things about it. I love it. It's one of the things I was doing that year before my wedding also and I did it a little bit while on maternity leave. It's a half hour long, but it hits everything. Weights, stretching, cardio, etc. Each day spends a little time targeting an area along with the rest of the workout. It's on Lifetime at 5:30 am MT, there's a pilates one she does right before that also. I haven't done the pilates one so I can't promote that one...I should get a cut of the profits for as much as I've recommended her workout.

So that's WLTD #2, crap...now I have to find my sports bra. I'm off to get some water, tata!

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