> Lucid Graphic Design: Persistance Creates Results

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Persistance Creates Results

Tomorrow starts another semester at BSU. Seriously, I feel like I am never going to be done. I just want to quit, I have a great job and I get to use my degree without actually having it yet. So why do I need to go on...I just have to. I'll be meeting with my advisor soon so hopefully we can set up a plan and maybe I'll be done in a couple years. Sigh. I have to work full time so I can't take a ton of classes which equals my 4 year degree being spread out. A big kicker is, Art classes screw you! A normal book work & tests class you do 3 hours of class for 3 credits. Not in the Art major area. 6 hours of class equals 3 credits, which is total bull. I do more class work and outside of class work in my art classes then I ever have in my core classes. WHATEVER! :)

I guess once I get that BA in Graphic Design it will be even more sweet since I've busted my butt for so long. I can tell you I'll be having one hell of a graduation party!! lol.

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