> Lucid Graphic Design: Not good news...

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Not good news...

The vet called us on Tuesday and said he quickly looked over Chance's test results and it looked like a thyroid problem. Not a big deal and we were thankful. Then he called today and said he looked the results over further and talked with his colleges and said it looked like something to do with the liver instead (the liver causing it to seem like a thyroid). He said Chance needed to come in today for an ultrasound to see what the real problem is. JR had to take him in since I had to stay home with Natalie since the appointment was later then she could stay awake.

JR just got back an hour ago. It's cancer. I'm a sobbing mess. The tumor is attached to his spleen and liver so there is nothing that we can do but give him medicine to help him feel better and wait until it's time to put him down. The one thing I was most afraid of was having to make that call. I can't believe it. I always thought Chance would be here for a long, long time. I've had him since he was 11 weeks old. I love him so much how can I let him go...

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