> Lucid Graphic Design: Like it? You know you do!

Welcome to Lucid Graphic Design & Photography's Blog!

Here you'll find the latest sessions, designs, specials and little bit of Lucid's personal side! Have a look around and come back often.

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Like it? You know you do!

How's the new banner treating ya? I need to tweak the size a little as it's a little stretched out but it'll do for now. I've had some "photo shoots" in my mind for little miss Natalie so once I get to those I'll change it. At least I know how to add it to the blog, a little bit of a process for sure, but not too bad.

Hope everyone has got some good plans for the weekend. I'm cutting out of work a little early. I need to run to Target for a friend's baby shower gift, then stop off at the grocery store to get stuff to make a killer cheesecake for the shower(of course I'll post pictures of it...you don't even have to ask)! Then I'll whip that up while Natalie is yelling at me from 3 feet below because she wants to see. It'll take me twice as long as before Natalie could walk because I'll have to play "scary monster who's going to eat me" and chase her around the house every 5 minutes. This is by far her most favorite game EVER...just above "It's funny to stick my finger in mommy and daddy's nose".

Tomorrow is Steph's baby shower and I'm doing my first maternity shoot with her. Hope it goes well, it's mainly just for practice. She was so kind through my begging and pleading to give up her pregnant self to my camera. Thanks for being a trooper Steph! After the shower I'll head home for a little tackle the dog. What is this you ask? It's the once in awhile event at our house of bathing our 80lb labs...should be a good time for all...kinda like slamming your head into a wall. Not sure but I think Sunday we will try to make it to the pool so the tyrant can swim her little heart out. I promise to actually take my camera this time.

Oh and just so you know, I'm magic and know that people do visit this blog every once in awhile so leave me some comment love! I found this great little setting that I changed so that anyone should be able to comment not just logged in blogger users. So let me hear from you...stalkers! :)


Anonymous said...

You sound like the best mommy and wife ever! I hope you're appreciated!!


p.s - can't wait to see pics of the cheesecake...yum!

Unknown said...

Looks like an awesome weekend Jayme! Your family is so blessed to have you in their lives. Natalie is such a lucky little girl! Love the pics from the fair :)