56 to 7! We have an awesome team this year! This season is going to be great!
Welcome to Lucid Graphic Design & Photography's Blog!
Here you'll find the latest sessions, designs, specials and little bit of Lucid's personal side! Have a look around and come back often.
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I love comments so make me smile and leave one or two!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A little bit of good news...
Natalie also had a check up today. She's a healthy, healthy tyrant. She's weighing in at 18lbs! Growing at a perfect rate for her size even though that's tiny compaired to most kids her age. She's also just shy of 30 inches tall. Go Natalie!
Not good news...
The vet called us on Tuesday and said he quickly looked over Chance's test results and it looked like a thyroid problem. Not a big deal and we were thankful. Then he called today and said he looked the results over further and talked with his colleges and said it looked like something to do with the liver instead (the liver causing it to seem like a thyroid). He said Chance needed to come in today for an ultrasound to see what the real problem is. JR had to take him in since I had to stay home with Natalie since the appointment was later then she could stay awake.
JR just got back an hour ago. It's cancer. I'm a sobbing mess. The tumor is attached to his spleen and liver so there is nothing that we can do but give him medicine to help him feel better and wait until it's time to put him down. The one thing I was most afraid of was having to make that call. I can't believe it. I always thought Chance would be here for a long, long time. I've had him since he was 11 weeks old. I love him so much how can I let him go...
JR just got back an hour ago. It's cancer. I'm a sobbing mess. The tumor is attached to his spleen and liver so there is nothing that we can do but give him medicine to help him feel better and wait until it's time to put him down. The one thing I was most afraid of was having to make that call. I can't believe it. I always thought Chance would be here for a long, long time. I've had him since he was 11 weeks old. I love him so much how can I let him go...
Monday, August 27, 2007
I did it!
I finally went dark...really dark! Check out my new hair below! Wish I would have put lip stuff on!
I think I do like my blonde hair better, but this is a fun change! I actually look like I could be Natalie's mom! lol!
Productivity Level 95%
This weekend was tiring, but very productive. JR installed cabinets in our garage so we finally have some storage room. He also custom built and installed this weekend a desk for me in our office! It's not the prettiest thing in terms of color because it's made from the material that was left over from a dentist office job. I can't complain though, it was free and I finally have the beginnings of a home office. It only took me months of nagging to get it! The only thing I have to buy is the laminate for the top so JR ordered that this morning and hopefully it can be installed by mid week. I say 95% productivity because I need to wait for the laminate to get the room totally put together and I still have piles of paper work to go through. So I should have pictures of it after this next weekend. So excited to be able to use it...we even measured to make sure a new iMac would fit under the upper cabinets *rubs hands together*.
I also cleaned the house from top to bottom, organized some things, put more stuff to be organized on a list. I love being organized...I just can't seem to stay that way. Sunday night after all the laundry and cleaning were done and Natalie was in bed, I couldn't believe how bored I was.
We should get a call from the vet today with some test results and tomorrow with more test results on Chance. The vet said he does look sick so they gave him some stuff to take care of any worms that he might have gotten infected with and took blood/stool samples to test his insides for anything wrong. I wish they'd call, I hate waiting.
I'm getting rid of my blonde hair today. I'm scared, but I'm so ready for a change. If I don't like it, I'll just go back to blonde. Look for some before and afters tomorrow! I hope I look good as a brunette! I don't know why hair is such a safety blanket for some women (including me). It probably comes from JR. He has always said, "You can have an alright looking woman, with blonde hair she can be hot. However, an alright looking woman with brown hair is still just alright looking." Yes, he likes blondes...wish me luck!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! I'm already looking forward to this next weekend (3 days!!).
I also cleaned the house from top to bottom, organized some things, put more stuff to be organized on a list. I love being organized...I just can't seem to stay that way. Sunday night after all the laundry and cleaning were done and Natalie was in bed, I couldn't believe how bored I was.
We should get a call from the vet today with some test results and tomorrow with more test results on Chance. The vet said he does look sick so they gave him some stuff to take care of any worms that he might have gotten infected with and took blood/stool samples to test his insides for anything wrong. I wish they'd call, I hate waiting.
I'm getting rid of my blonde hair today. I'm scared, but I'm so ready for a change. If I don't like it, I'll just go back to blonde. Look for some before and afters tomorrow! I hope I look good as a brunette! I don't know why hair is such a safety blanket for some women (including me). It probably comes from JR. He has always said, "You can have an alright looking woman, with blonde hair she can be hot. However, an alright looking woman with brown hair is still just alright looking." Yes, he likes blondes...wish me luck!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! I'm already looking forward to this next weekend (3 days!!).
Friday, August 24, 2007
A post to Natalie.
I love how you insist that your baby doll wear socks at all times. But doll socks just won't do...oh no...they have to be YOUR socks! You love socks and shoes, it's almost unnatural how much you love them. It's not uncommon to find you clutching one of your daddy's socks while playing. At least you love sharing them with your baby doll.
Speaking of sharing...your not the best at it, in fact I'm not sure your even in the top 10, but you will be one of these days because you have such a sweet nature. In fact last night while eating your cotton candy you grabbed a piece from the bag and handed it to me. then you reached in and grabbed a handful for yourself and sat down beside me to eat it (and every last bit of it). That is a very nice girl!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! We take the dogs for a vet appointment tomorrow, wish us luck. Chance isn't doing too well so I'm afraid of what the vet will say...
Monday, August 20, 2007
Stephs Sneak Peak!
Alright here ya go Steph, here's a few pictures until I can get them all online. I really appreciate you taking the time to let me shoot you and your adorable belly. You are one of the cutest pregnant women ever!

And lastly, one of Devyn, Steph's niece who is a pro at posing for the camera! Beautiful little girl!

What can I say, I like to take pictures! :)
Here Grandma, have a snack!

JR won!

Some random guy fell victim to my shutter speed playing around.

Mom and Harry playing more games!

Fair Pictures!
First thing we did was hit the food! Glad I didn't take any pictures of the mounds of grease, fat, calories, and artery clogging substances that we consumed. *note to self...work out extra hard tonight*
The second thing we did was hit up the petting zoo. Which the tyrant thought was pretty stinkin cool!
Good picture of JRs new mohawk. Hey, at least I talked him out of it going all the way down the back!

Daddy said this is what's going to happen when she's old enough to sneak out! :)

Next we headed over for a pony ride!

I teased JR that he looks like he's kidnapping her in this picture. lol.

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