Welcome to Lucid Graphic Design & Photography's Blog!
Here you'll find the latest sessions, designs, specials and little bit of Lucid's personal side! Have a look around and come back often.
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I really want to do a trash the dress session
www.trashthedress.com but I don't know anyone who a) can still fit into their wedding dress b) wants to potentially harm their wedding dress c) is getting married/has gotten married recently. However, trash the dress photographers also do sessions with prom dresses. So if anyone is interested (Treasure Valley (Idaho) area) please let me know if you have a formal dress that you want to get dirty! The degree of dirt/water depends on your preference!
Sorry the pics are so dark. My computer screen at home sucks big time...we had to get it fixed a while back and now it's too bright (not something you can change with the contrast either). So, if I edit photos at home they are always too dark. Maybe this year is the year to get a Mac at home. I just upgraded at work to CS3, very nice! I'm loving it so far. I need to get my graphic design stuff while I'm still in school...huge Mac & Adobe student discounts!!!
We had a laid back relaxed weekend. My parents came down and spent the day with us on Saturday. We grilled out, I made bacon wrapped, stuffed mushrooms and chocolate covered strawberries! Yum! I thought I would look at some small SUVs this weekend, but never got around to it. I dread dealerships, but if I want a new vehicle anytime soon I'm going to have to suck it up and start going through some test drives. I still haven't decided to get one for sure yet, but it's looking that way. I'm really loving the looks of the Kia Sorentos. The Saturn Vues have awesome ratings all the way around and are one of the most affordable. Who knows what I'll end up with, but I do know it will be what I want this time, not just a good deal.

I just wanted to give a shout out to Brit and let her know that I'm so happy for her! Brittney is one of my good friends and even sorority sister! Brent is a great guy and he is so lucky to be able to share his life with her. She is one of the most thoughtful, caring, sweet people that I have ever known. Brit you are going to be such a beautiful bride!
A couple weekends ago we celebrated the twins birthday. Marv does this because their real b-day is on Christmas day so they don't really get a birthday party. We are all busy doing the Christmas thing with all the sides of our families. So happy 2.5 years old James and Gregory!
And of course here's a couple pictures of Natalie hording all of the party hats! lol.

Actually, I know exactly what it is...however that doesn't make it anymore pleasent. There are several perks to living in a valley. Easy winters. Everything you could imagine from white water rafting to downhill skiing to dirt bike riding is all within an hours drive. It's beautiful to look out your window in almost any direction and see mountains. However, there is a bad side to living in a valley and that is the inversions that we get. They are horrible sad things that bring in the worst air quality. Right now, Boise smells like America's campfire pit. There are so many fires burning around us right now that all of the smoke is seeping into our valley and taking up permanent residence. It's in your clothes, hair, eyes, throat...it's everywhere...gross.
Another "my baby is disappearing before my eyes" milestone. We got rid of the bottles. We are still giving her a right before bedtime bottle but that won't be much longer. All the other times, it's milk from a sippy cup. This makes her daycare providers life easier for sure. Her little boy and Natalie's BFF could not understand why he couldn't have a bottle when Natalie could. Poor boy, now maybe it won't be such an ordeal for him. It was a good time because it would be best if she can get over wanting an actual bottle by the time Victoria's (DCP) new baby girl gets here. She doesn't even seem to miss the bottle or even notice, which is awesome! We've had really good luck with her transitions to new ways being very smooth! Which I thank her sooooooo much! Now, if only we could make her a heavier sleeper!
Wow, I pretty much dropped off the face of the earth didn't I? Well off the face of the blogging earth anyway. Looks like March was the last time I wrote in here. Lets see what has been happening...
I offically have a 1 year old! How that happened I'm not sure. We had a nice party for her...all decked out in pink.
We just got back from our Michigan vacation. It was fun and stressful all rolled into one. Not much relaxing went on, but we knew that was going to happen. That's what I get for stretching out visiting for 7 years. JR had fun and really liked hanging out at my parents in the boonies. My dad couldn't get enough of Natalie. This was the first time she had ever met my dad and Sandy. Dad hated to see her leave and couldn't hold back the tears...I don't blame him. She's a pretty great little girl. :)

My sister's wedding was the last weekend we were there. It was a pretty stressful day but she's married and that's what matters. It was a beautiful day for a wedding though and what a pretty spot to get married...butterfly conservatory.
We were very ready to be home, sleeping in our own beds though. JR and I have realized that we aren't long vacation people. 5 days into our honeymoon we were ready to come home and about the same amount this time. lol. We've decided our vacations need to be shorter then what we think at the time of booking them! :)