> Lucid Graphic Design: Guess who!

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Guess who!

Of course, it's Natalie. I just remembered I still have to download photos from coloring eggs so I'll get to that eventually. For now here are some from Easter day at my parents and from today! I'm in a black and white mood by the way!

Outside playing with the bubble gun and trying to play in the mud!

Eating strawberry shortcake...well, more like eating all of the whipped cream off the top!

JR ran inside today after picking Natalie up from daycare and pushed 3 ice cream cones at me. Shortly after a little brown hair tyrant came bouncing through the door yelling "ICE CREAM" "ICE CREAM" "ICE CREAM" like if she didn't get it NOW, she would most surely die right there. We will probably put the ice cream man's kids through college this summer. Here is Natalie's first ice cream cone...who would have thought an ice cream cone would produce such emotion!

OMG! Is that what I think it is?? Is she actually looking at the camera for once!


Jami said...

she is looking less like a baby and more like a little girl!

Lilypad Mom said...

She gets more beautiful by the day. I love her reactions to the ice cream.

Anonymous said...

That's her FIRST ice cream cone? The poor child is deprived and needs to come and visit Aunt Kris so she can be spoiled.