Welcome to Lucid Graphic Design & Photography's Blog!
Here you'll find the latest sessions, designs, specials and little bit of Lucid's personal side! Have a look around and come back often.
I love comments so make me smile and leave one or two!
Man I'm just a blogging fool! :) UPS just delivered new lucid graphic design cards! Love them!

What in the world are they doing with kids food these days. These "Sour Fun Bugs" came in a kids dinner. These wonderful delights are shaped like little bugs.

If bugs weren't gross enough to think about eating, when you bite into these little Fun Bugs your greeted with a gush of liquid that can only represent bug guts. Nasty!

Do you see it? GROSS GROSS GROSS!
Of course, it's Natalie. I just remembered I still have to download photos from coloring eggs so I'll get to that eventually. For now here are some from Easter day at my parents and from today! I'm in a black and white mood by the way!
Outside playing with the bubble gun and trying to play in the mud!

Eating strawberry shortcake...well, more like eating all of the whipped cream off the top!

JR ran inside today after picking Natalie up from daycare and pushed 3 ice cream cones at me. Shortly after a little brown hair tyrant came bouncing through the door yelling "ICE CREAM" "ICE CREAM" "ICE CREAM" like if she didn't get it NOW, she would most surely die right there. We will probably put the ice cream man's kids through college this summer. Here is Natalie's first ice cream cone...who would have thought an ice cream cone would produce such emotion!

OMG! Is that what I think it is?? Is she actually looking at the camera for once!

Saturday I had a family shoot with The Newmans. Man was it a chilly morning! We found this great little abandoned home & farm of some sort. This place had lots of character and a lot of junk too! There was even a Barbie bribe that took place! Carley, hope you got your pretty barbie! :) Enjoy guys

I'm loving playing with a vintage feel with these photos!

The kids trying to act not cold! Such troopers!

The Grandparents even got in some photo time

The littest Newman being adorable!

How handsome is this? And some more vintage!

The Newmans!
My oldest nephew turns 9 years old today. I can't believe how fast time flys. He was the first time I became an aunt and what a sweet baby he was.
Brand new!

A couple years old here visiting us in Boise.

Last summer at my sister's wedding with my sister and younger nephew Gavin!

Happy Birthday Mason, I love you sooooo much!
Just finished a new logo. This was done for Heather Leggett Photography if you couldn't tell! lol.
We had such nice weather this weekend. Come on Spring! I haven't posted any photos in a while so I thought it was time to get my act together and post some!
Swinging at Grandpa Montoya's a few weekends ago

This is what JR did all Saturday. Now that we need more workspace JR decided to tear out the single person desk he built into our office only about 6 months ago. He decided to build this huge workspace for two people that will last a long time in storage space. It's soooooo awesome and sooooo pretty! I haven't taken the finished product photos yet but I will soon. We need to finish putting the knobs on and I may paint the room before I show the afters.

Nana and Papa also came over Saturday to get a little Natalie time and drop off a design project Harry needed help with. Of course Natalie talked them into going outside.

And since it was another nice day we played outside again!

And as soon as blogger stops acting up, my new self portrait :)
Spring is right around the corner, so it's time to start thinking about outdoor photo sessions!
Book a photo session in March for a March or April session and receive a $25 print credit or $25 off a package. Contact me early, only limited sessions each month are available.
Additionally, all graphic design is 25% off in March and April, excludes invitations and greeting cards.