> Lucid Graphic Design: So Excited!

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

So Excited!

My dad finally got remarried today! I say finally because Sandy has actually been in our lives for a long time already. I can't remember off the top of my head but something like 18 years they have been dating and a lot of that time living together. I love Sandy to death, to me she has been a loving stepmom for as long as I can remember and not "just" my dad's girlfriend. I'm so, so, so excited for them. They let me know on Wednesday that they were finally doing it today (Saturday), just a simple, sweet, short ceremony with them and two of Sandy's boys that live back there in MI. I really wish we could have joined them on this special day but Idaho is a long way from Michigan! Congrats Dad & Sandy, you know I love you so much and am so stinkin happy for you!

Sam (Sandy's youngest), Natalie, Dad & Sandy last year on Mackinac Island.

1 comment:

Lilypad Mom said...

Congratulations to your dad and Sandy!