> Lucid Graphic Design: So much to catch up on!

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

So much to catch up on!

I'm behind in posts and pictures so hang on...there's going to be a ton!

Starting with Mother's Day. JR, Natalie & I met up with my parents (Nana & Poppa) for breakfast which was super yummy and super packed! Then we stopped off at the park to let Natalie swing and slide on the playground. She had a blast convincing poppa to follow her through the slides.

Then that afternoon we met up with JR's mom, Larry & Uncle Matt to have a picnic, then we hit the nature walk that is in the park. Natalie thought that was pretty cool, we even saw some baby ducks.

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Next...Wednesday was Natalie's 2nd b-day. My baby is officially 2. We took the day off from work and daycare. I made blueberry Mickey Mouse pancakes and then we went to the zoo in the afternoon. She loved the zoo!

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More to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All those cupcakes sure look good, especially to a pregnant girl!!

I think from the look on her face when everyone was singing, she was thinking, "What are you freaks doing??"

My favorite pic is the one of you and her at the zoo. So precious.

Love you lots