> Lucid Graphic Design: Wow!

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Friday, April 4, 2008


It's been a little bit between posts. Our house was hit with that nasty flu bug going around that is holding right on for a week or longer. Ours was longer. I can't even begin to tell you how happy we are to be feeling 110% better. Not to mention Snow White has fried my brain I've had to watch that damn movie so many times. How can you say no to a terribly sick little girl begging to watch it, plus it's the only movie she'll sit still through from beginning to end so it's a chance to catch a few winks of sleep. :) But as I said, I'm back!

1 comment:

Lilypad Mom said...

I hope everyone is feeling better! Snow White has fried all the brain cells in our house as well. Tonight my next door neighbor actually called during the movie to ask if we were watching a part he hasn't seen with us yet (I guess he always comes in during the second half). But it's sad that he knew what movie was playing without even being here.