Welcome to Lucid Graphic Design & Photography's Blog!
Here you'll find the latest sessions, designs, specials and little bit of Lucid's personal side! Have a look around and come back often.
I love comments so make me smile and leave one or two!
I remember being young and having to get up to turn the dial to change the channel on the NORMAL television set. That is so not the case anymore. We loaded some movies on to JRs iPod and let Natalie check it out. Spoiled girl got to watch Alice in Wonderland in style!

Congrats Michelle Perman!
I'll be emailing you shortly with all the details! Thanks to everyone that entered the contest! Everyone that entered will get $25 off their session fee and a free 8x10! Contact me if you want to take advantage of this offer. Keep checking back, this will not be the last contest!
Just kidding JR! :) JR's birthday is Tuesday and he's turning 28. We had a little birthday party to celebrate today with his parents and my parents and a couple of friends and of course Natalie. JR's one requirement to celebrate his birthday is that if there is going to be cake it has to be German Chocolate. I've been on a cupcake thing lately so German Chocolate cupcakes it was. So good.
The cupcakes were filled with coconut pecan frosting.

Then topped with whipped chocolate ganache and a dollop of coconut pecan frosting.

Eating apples.

Playing outside.


A good day.
Just a reminder to get those photos into me before Friday at midnight! It's your chance to win a FREE portrait session!
Good Luck everyone!
I finished Natalie's invitations for her second birthday. :( I can't believe she is turning two in a month! Time sure does fly.

I recently worked on a project for Serve Idaho, which is the Governor's Commission on Service and Volunteerism. They put on an annual awards event to honor all of the outstanding volunteers in the state of Idaho. They really wanted a design that was more hollywood, red carpetish. Here's the design I provided them with in the form of a program.
Want a
FREE portrait session? All you have to do to enter is email me a snapshot with my logo (right click & save on the logo above) displayed some where in the photo! Photos will be posted to the blog and one will be randomly selected as the winner! The winning photo will receive a
FREE portrait session (must be redeemed by August 2008). Contest ends Friday, April 18th at midnight. Winner will be announced Sunday, April 20th.
Good Luck!
I realize I might have been confusing people on what I was looking for! I do have to make you work a little for that free session! TAKE a photo with my logo somewhere in it. Here's an example, I actually stuck my lucid address label on an apple and snapped the photo! Be creative!
Just a reminder that April is the last month to take advantage of 25% off all graphic design (excludes invitations & greeting cards). Additionally, I am giving another 25% off logo design if you are a photographer! Can't beat that price!

Just delivered Jenilee over at
Turtle Dove Photography her new logo tonight. What a fun logo to do!
It's been a little bit between posts. Our house was hit with that nasty flu bug going around that is holding right on for a week or longer. Ours was longer. I can't even begin to tell you how happy we are to be feeling 110% better. Not to mention Snow White has fried my brain I've had to watch that damn movie so many times. How can you say no to a terribly sick little girl begging to watch it, plus it's the only movie she'll sit still through from beginning to end so it's a chance to catch a few winks of sleep. :) But as I said, I'm back!