So, Tuesday night my sister got engaged!! Yay!! I've never met Randy(they, along with almost all of my family, live in Michigan), but he sounds like a great guy and I'm really happy for her. She asked me to be her Matron of Honor so I'm way excited about that. June 30th she'll be getting hitched! Another reason for me to loose this weight! Now I also need to grow my hair out a little bit so I have enough to do something with it. lol.
Now, on to the comfortable pants. I have a couple pair of pants that I bought online and when I got them I could wear them but they were so not comfortable and pinched and poked and almost cut circulation off. I put one of the pairs on this morning as I have not done laundry for the week. They fit great! They are comfortable and fit perfectly. Whoo Hoo! I'm getting there, one of these days, I'll be posting that I can fit into my pre pregnancy jeans again! :) Just had to share all the good news!
Welcome to Lucid Graphic Design & Photography's Blog!
Here you'll find the latest sessions, designs, specials and little bit of Lucid's personal side! Have a look around and come back often.
I love comments so make me smile and leave one or two!
I love comments so make me smile and leave one or two!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
No more "porn locks"!
Saturday I had a hair appointment. I had been trying to figure out what I wanted to do with it. Here is the result! I love it! But like the vicious cycle that having hair is...I'm sure I'll begin the re growing out process soon. lol.
I hate taking pictures of myself. :) On another note. I finally did weigh myself. In just under 2 weeks of starting my healthy lifestyle I am down 5lbs! Whoop Whoop! I was so afraid to step on that scale and have it read that I had gained weight or only dropped 1 lb. I am pleased with the results! Go me, go me, go me!
Poor Baby!
My poor little girl is miserable teething. It's not been horrible, I'm sure it could be worse. However I feel so bad for her having to deal with the pain of teething. She's cutting a second one now. All weekend she's been running a fever, on and off cranky and very clingy. One good thing is she is still sleeping at night. We got so nervous about how high a fever she was running on Saturday evening that we took her into Quick Care at the hospital. I took her temp while I was getting her ready for bed and it was 103.6. Everything was fine and they just told us to give tylenol and motrin and to watch that no other non teething symptoms occur. So we have to keep her doped up to keep the fever down, oh well, that should help with her pain also. The one thing that scares the ever liven crap out of me is fevers though.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
It's all over now!
Natalie cut her first tooth last night! This week she's been a little cranky and had a couple more symptoms that it might happen soon. I woke her up this morning, get her changed and we were out the door to daycare so I didn't notice it. Victoria (sitter) called me and said she was feeding her breakfast and noticed a scraping on the spoon. She has her first tooth!! She's also sleeping through the night, all the way through finally! She scared JR badly this morning when he went to wake her up. She must have woke up and moved to a crawling position on her knees and then passed back out in the same position sometime during the night. JR didn't like that and when he first said her name to wake her up she didn't wake up. Panic set in a little bit. The wonderful world of first child worry! lol.
Classes are alright so far. I hate my second Spanish class, I feel so behind. The teacher teaches the class in Spanish and I'm lost 90% of the time. I guess this weekend I'll be looking over my 101 notes and trying to refresh my memory. Man do I hate foreign language.
Working out and eating good is still going very well. I'm still on track although I will have to cut my working out down from 7 days a week to 5 because after my night Spanish class I'm exhausted and just want to get dinner and go to bed! No biggy I'll just do a little more on those 5 days. I haven't weighed myself since I started. I'm trying not to be dependent on a scale because I know how much weight can change day to day. I might weigh myself next week after I've been doing this for 2 weeks. We'll see.
Classes are alright so far. I hate my second Spanish class, I feel so behind. The teacher teaches the class in Spanish and I'm lost 90% of the time. I guess this weekend I'll be looking over my 101 notes and trying to refresh my memory. Man do I hate foreign language.
Working out and eating good is still going very well. I'm still on track although I will have to cut my working out down from 7 days a week to 5 because after my night Spanish class I'm exhausted and just want to get dinner and go to bed! No biggy I'll just do a little more on those 5 days. I haven't weighed myself since I started. I'm trying not to be dependent on a scale because I know how much weight can change day to day. I might weigh myself next week after I've been doing this for 2 weeks. We'll see.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Seester!!
Happy Birthday Sis! I won't let everyone know how old you are though! ;) I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that you get treated like a queen!
Love You!!
I told Natalie how old you are today...
Love You!!
I told Natalie how old you are today...
:) lol
Persistance Creates Results
Tomorrow starts another semester at BSU. Seriously, I feel like I am never going to be done. I just want to quit, I have a great job and I get to use my degree without actually having it yet. So why do I need to go on...I just have to. I'll be meeting with my advisor soon so hopefully we can set up a plan and maybe I'll be done in a couple years. Sigh. I have to work full time so I can't take a ton of classes which equals my 4 year degree being spread out. A big kicker is, Art classes screw you! A normal book work & tests class you do 3 hours of class for 3 credits. Not in the Art major area. 6 hours of class equals 3 credits, which is total bull. I do more class work and outside of class work in my art classes then I ever have in my core classes. WHATEVER! :)
I guess once I get that BA in Graphic Design it will be even more sweet since I've busted my butt for so long. I can tell you I'll be having one hell of a graduation party!! lol.
I guess once I get that BA in Graphic Design it will be even more sweet since I've busted my butt for so long. I can tell you I'll be having one hell of a graduation party!! lol.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Have you heard of this? It's an awesome website for loosing weight. You put in your goals and it calculates how many calories/fat/carbs/protein you need to eat per day to acheive your weight loss. Also it sets up a cardio and weight training program for you that tells you how much cardio and strengthening you need to do per day. There's all kinds of resources, message boards, etc. to get you through your weight loss. It's really a great thing and the's totally free!
Although I've only been working out and eating healthy for about a week, I can already feel the difference. I wouldn't say my energy level has changed much yet but I feel better about myself because I'm actually on the road to getting back in shape. My muscles are sore and that's a great feeling. I forgot how much I love that. The only thing I'm worried about is next week Spring semester starts back up at Boise State. I work full time, take classes and have my daughter. It's going to be busy, but I'm determined so I'll fit the exercising in somehow even if I have to get up at 4:00am to do it.
Speaking of Boise State, let me just throw out another GO BSU!!!!
I'm sending JR to the store to get some healthy groceries this morning (man is it cold out), Natalie is taking her morning nap and I'm sitting on the coach all warm playing on the internet. However, it's time for me to go and get in my workout for the day while the baby is sleeping therefore have a great day everyone!! And as a bonus, I'll leave you with a picture of Natalie.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Pupils like you've never seen!
Last night was my eye appointment. It was relatively painless until I paid the bill. lol. The dr was great, I will stick with him. Good people skills. So, I first get there (after driving past it first and having to turn around...and the sign was even lighted!) and do my exams, I am barely legal to drive. Oops! So then he dialates my pupils so he can make sure to get the correct perscription. I could hardly see a thing in front of me after that, but I was more legal to drive after relaxing my eyes. I have to wear glasses. I have never had to wear glasses! Picking out glasses was one of the hardest things, I don't think I look that great in glasses. But I don't have to wear them much, just when I'm trying to see something far away, driving, in class, etc. All of the computer work of my career has stressed my eyes out causing near sightedness. Never did I think Graphic Design would ruin my eyes! Carple tunnel (sp?) yes, but not my eyes...sniff. Anyway, since I don't have to wear them always, I made sure to get some fun ones! They are a rectangular/square style in a deep pink/raspberry color. I should have them in a couple weeks and I'll make sure to put a pic in here. I walked out of that place $300 lighter! FOR GLASSES!! Jeesh, someone should have told me they were that much and when it says $150 for the frames that doesn't include the lenses. What a rip off! lol. Oh well, I'm tired of squinting and my "blind" husband teasing me that he can see better then I can (with his contacts in).
The drive home was interesting with dialated pupils at night. Whew! I'm lucky I made it!
Oh and yes, I did work out before my appointment and I've stuck to eating healthy! :) I'm on a roll now.
The drive home was interesting with dialated pupils at night. Whew! I'm lucky I made it!
Oh and yes, I did work out before my appointment and I've stuck to eating healthy! :) I'm on a roll now.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Denise Austin...Will you be my GF?
One day down of workingout only a meeeellllliiiioooonnnn left to go! I'm very sore today and I love it. There's nothing like that exercise soreness. Hats off to Denise Austin's Daily Workout she has kicked my ass yet again! Oh and instead of a cup of tea this morning I opted for a glass of water to go with my hardboiled egg and apple. I know you are all jealous. :)
I have an eye appointment tonight after work. I have not had an eye appointment since the early 90s maybe? I do not want glasses, however my eyes are not listening. Things are getting blurry far away. *crying*
I have an eye appointment tonight after work. I have not had an eye appointment since the early 90s maybe? I do not want glasses, however my eyes are not listening. Things are getting blurry far away. *crying*
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Milestones of an 8 month old!

Who stole my baby? Seriously, she is trying to be such a big girl and it's so exciting but sad at the same time. I hate those times during the year where you have to go through clothes and pack up the ones that don't fit anymore. Which I just did last weekend.
So this weekend she has started clapping and now she doesn't stop! :) It's very cute, but I don't know how many times I have said "Yay" and started clapping with her. She gets a huge kick out of it when mommy claps with her. She's been sniper crawling for a little while, but now she's getting on her knees and rocking. It won't be long...which reminds me I need to start babyproofing. Another trick she's learned is sitting up from her belly to her butt. She thinks she is just the shit when she does this! lol. She's learned how to feed herself her Gerber Puffs too. Last night I had to keep prying puffs from her death grip because she would snatch up a handful and proceed to shove the whole handful in her mouth! I watched her stretch out for the coffee table this morning...eyeing it as though her plan for next week would be to start pulling up.
Man, 8 months going on 5 years old already. :)
So this weekend she has started clapping and now she doesn't stop! :) It's very cute, but I don't know how many times I have said "Yay" and started clapping with her. She gets a huge kick out of it when mommy claps with her. She's been sniper crawling for a little while, but now she's getting on her knees and rocking. It won't be long...which reminds me I need to start babyproofing. Another trick she's learned is sitting up from her belly to her butt. She thinks she is just the shit when she does this! lol. She's learned how to feed herself her Gerber Puffs too. Last night I had to keep prying puffs from her death grip because she would snatch up a handful and proceed to shove the whole handful in her mouth! I watched her stretch out for the coffee table this morning...eyeing it as though her plan for next week would be to start pulling up.
Man, 8 months going on 5 years old already. :)
Weight Loss To Do #2
Actually start exercising. That would help wouldn't it!! Currently my workout room is a diaster area because that is the place all of our "we don't know what to do with it" stuff goes to die. In our defense we moved the end of September and still have boxes from moving and that's mostly what it is. If you move with an infant, prepare for it to take you a very long time to get settled! So, back to my to do #2, I will organize and clean that room this weekend! I have some great workout pieces so no need for a gym. I have an elliptical, weight bench, plenty of weights, exercise ball, yoga matt, pilates tapes & tabeo tapes. I have taken several classes so I know the exercises that work. I gave up my gym membership about 1.5 years ago because I was so sick of how packed it always was. I could never get a machine or weights, so I bought equipment for home instead. I worked out a lot more when I went to the gym. lol. I think I need to take a picture of myself now and blow it up and hang it in the workout room. Then I need to blow a picture up of my honeymoon, I would love to be back to that body. I busted my ass a year before my wedding to really get in good shape...I wore that bikini in Mexico and I wore it proudly! :)
This morning I did DVR Denise Austin's Daily Workout so that I could start doing that tonight. If you are looking for an awesome quick workout, check this show out. It's awesome, I can not say enough good things about it. I love it. It's one of the things I was doing that year before my wedding also and I did it a little bit while on maternity leave. It's a half hour long, but it hits everything. Weights, stretching, cardio, etc. Each day spends a little time targeting an area along with the rest of the workout. It's on Lifetime at 5:30 am MT, there's a pilates one she does right before that also. I haven't done the pilates one so I can't promote that one...I should get a cut of the profits for as much as I've recommended her workout.
So that's WLTD #2, I have to find my sports bra. I'm off to get some water, tata!
This morning I did DVR Denise Austin's Daily Workout so that I could start doing that tonight. If you are looking for an awesome quick workout, check this show out. It's awesome, I can not say enough good things about it. I love it. It's one of the things I was doing that year before my wedding also and I did it a little bit while on maternity leave. It's a half hour long, but it hits everything. Weights, stretching, cardio, etc. Each day spends a little time targeting an area along with the rest of the workout. It's on Lifetime at 5:30 am MT, there's a pilates one she does right before that also. I haven't done the pilates one so I can't promote that one...I should get a cut of the profits for as much as I've recommended her workout.
So that's WLTD #2, I have to find my sports bra. I'm off to get some water, tata!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Weight Loss To Do #1
Drink more water. I have only drank one glass of water since this morning. Totally unacceptable!
On a side note, I really hate that country song, "Allysa Lies", but I really love my XM because I can just switch it to one of the other 8 country stations if I so wish.
Is work over yet? Why do I always wish my life away? I'm going to get more water...
On a side note, I really hate that country song, "Allysa Lies", but I really love my XM because I can just switch it to one of the other 8 country stations if I so wish.
Is work over yet? Why do I always wish my life away? I'm going to get more water...
The time has come.
Well I guess I'm starting this time consuming blogging thing. Joining in with the rest of the population that has a blog, online journal or whatever it may be that they spout off the things floating around in their mind. I'm not sure how much I will have to write about, I think my life is pretty boring. That's a good thing though and when I say boring I mean drama free not as in I have nothing to do during the day. Wow, what would it be like to have a life where you didn't have to do a single thing during the day. I seriously think a sane person would go crazy.

A little introduction, My name is Jayme, I'm 26 years old. I like long walks on the beach and a nice spanking...Ok kidding. I'm married to a wonderful man (blah, that sounds so fake, but really he is) who is also 26. We have been married for 2.5 years but have been together for almost 7. We are both Tauruses and added another one to our house last Mother day (May 14th). If you know a Taurus or are one, you know how absolutly upside down our house will be when she gets to be a teenager. Hold me. For now, Natalie Marie is absolutly the most perfect baby ever. She has always been happy and an easy baby to care for. I must say she will also be a heartbreaker one day...she's a pretty little girl, that's for sure! She's got daddy wrapped around her finger already and it gets worse everyday...especially since all she says all day long is "dada", "daddy", "Hi daddy". Where's the mama little girl? Daddy didn't gain 50lbs carrying your little kicking butt around for 10 months! Oh well, there will be a time when mommy makes daddy tell you that you can't leave the house dressed like that and then he'll be the bad guy! My evil plans have been forming since that first snicker from your father that you say daddy when I say mommy!
Which brings me to another point of this blog, a weight loss blog. Now, being 5'3" and gaining 50lbs is an awesome confidence booster. I have lost most of it, but 8 months PP, I still can't fit into my pre pregnancy clothes and am still hanging on to 15 lbs pregnancy pounds. You might think 15lbs isn't that much...let me remind you again I am 5'3"...a step ladder is a staple in our house. My husband likes to point and laugh when I try getting something from the top shelf, he says he can't help it, it's just too funny. I have a lot of evil plans in place for my wonderful husband. ;) Back to my weight loss goals. I really just want to fit back into my cute work clothes more then anything. I'm setting my goal at 25 lbs, I'm not a big person but I have a really hard time loosing weight. It for some reason just takes me a long time to loose it, so I'm hoping that setting this goal to have lost that weight by the end of May, it will be something I can reach. Maybe writing it down will keep me motivated. I have had a couple open heart surgeries in my short 26 years so not only do I have a goel to drop that weight for myself, but I want to drop it in time to run in the American Heart's 5K walk/run in April.
I guess I'll end my rambling with a photo of myself and my daughter on Christmas Eve.

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