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Here you'll find the latest sessions, designs, specials and little bit of Lucid's personal side! Have a look around and come back often.
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Natalie's Grandpa M (JR's dad) got her this awesome rocking horse. This think nays and gallops, moves it's tail, head and mouth. At first Natalie was not so sure about it but would still give it hugs and kisses...such a sweet girl. By Thursday she was like a little pro rocking horse rider. She loves this horse and can now get on and off it without any help. She'll get on it and sit there forever! Some photos I snapped of her on Thursday. She is also clutching her prize monkey hair clips given to her by Victoria(daycare provider)!!

Pretending like she is going to actually listen to my request to remove that binky from her mouth.

Telling me to "Sit Down"! I was standing on the couch to get the above her shots. lol.
I'm glad she had such an awesome Christmas, but I didn't expect anything less fromthe two great parents that she has!
I'm starting to see a little more of JR coming out in her, but she still looks like you when you were that little, so petite and beautiful. I miss her with all my heart!
LP would be very jealous of that horse!
You write very well.
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